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Newsline: Pakistani foreign aid to be transferred to US Highway Fund

In a video message – uploaded onto his Twitter account in January – Doc. Rand Paul announced that he’ll be introducing legislation to end foreign aid to Pakistan. “The US should not give 1 penny to countries who burn our flags, and chant death to America”, he said. “We’ve sent $33 billion dollars to Pakistan since 2002. And what did we get for it?” Instead, he will introduce a bill “that would take the money that would have gone to Pakistan. He’ll put it into an infrastructure fund to build roads and bridges here at home”. On January 24, the office of Doc. Paul published a press release, announcing the introduction of the said bill. The bill “will prohibit the Department of State and the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) from sending American taxpayer money to Pakistan. Instead, the bill would redirect those funds, amounting to $1.28 billion from the State Department and $852 million from USAID to the Highway Trust Fund”.

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